2023/5/9 11:30:48

Cell Counting Kit-8 



Cell Prolieferation and Cytotoxicity Assay


Catalog Number: CTK009


Cell Counting Kit-8 (CCK-8) allows sensitive colorimetric assays for the determination of cell viability in cell proliferation and cytotoxicity assays. The highly water-soluble tetrazolium salt, WST-8, is reduced by dehydrogenase activities in cells to give a yellow-color formazan dye, which is soluble in the tissue culture media. The dye color can then be quantified by measuring the absorbance at 460 nm wavelength. The amount of the formazan dye, generated by the activities of dehydrogenases in cells, is directly proportional to the number of living cells. The detection sensitivity of CCK-8 is higher than the other tetrazolium salts such as MTT, XTT, MTS or WST-1.



The assay can be used for the measurement of cellular proliferation in response to growth factors, cytokines, mitogens, and nutrients, etc. It can also be used for the analysis of cytotoxic compounds like anticancer drugs and many other toxic agents and pharmaceutical compounds.


Important Features


High sensitivity



Working principle